15699 Hall Rd.       
Macomb Twp., MI 48044

1/4 Mile East of Hayes Rd.
North Side of Hall Rd.   


(586) 566-4600

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Marcite Replacement

When a gunite pool's finish becomes pitted and worn, not only is it unsightly, but also is dangerous, causing scrapes and other bodily harm. Worn marcite also allows algae to root itself into the pool surface resulting in algae infestation.

At Pure Water Pools, we have the knowledge and expertise to bring your pool's finish back to what you expect and want!
We Are The Areas Only NPC Certified Pool Start Up Contractor
(586) 566-4600

Feel secure with your decision.

  • State of Michigan Licensed Contractor
  • Fully Insured - Workers' Comp. and Liability
  • National Plasterers Council Certified Start-Up Technician
We offer a variety of finishes to match your expectations and budget. From standard marcite, exposed aggregate, and everything in between.
Call us today for a NO OBLIGATION, FREE QUOTE and to discuss the numerous finish options available! (586) 566-4600