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Pool Openings & Closings
A professional service performed at a competitive price.
If We Open Your Pool and/or Spa...
Our own employees will be sent out. No Subcontractors. We employ service technicians who are industry veterans with many years of experience.
Our service technicians will be happy to answer all of your questions.
If you chose a Complete Pool Opening, we will do everything from taking off and cleaning the cover, to doing an initial cleaning of the pool and/or spa. "A very thorough job."
If We Close Your Pool and/or Spa...
You will feel safe knowing industry veterans who know how to close a pool perform the work.
Plumbing lines and equipment will be guaranteed for the winter.
You will be receiving the best quality products. You can rest assured knowing that the finish of your pool or spa will not be damaged by inferior chemicals.
Here are a few reasons why we think you should choose us...
Our Availability
We are open year round; we won't disappear on you.
We have an office number; you won't get a pager or cell phone number with us.
Our Credentials & Professionalism
State of Michigan Licensed Contractor
Fully Insured - Workers' Comp. and Liability
Member of the National Plasterers Council
National Plasterers Council Certified Start-Up Technician
We are experts in all aspects of pool equipment, structure, and water quality concerns.
Honesty is our #1 policy. We will always provide advice and services truthfully, and won't sell you anything you don't need.